Why choose Genny?
Because nothing similar has ever existed so far
Genny™ inaugurates a new transportation philosophy for personal mobility.
Thanks to its self-balancing technology, she unites the users under the banner of the freedom of movement, erasing the differences.
Who uses traditional wheelchairs knows well the problems regarding their daily use.
Moving always looking down to avoid the little anterior wheels sinking in the dips and always having the hands full (often getting dirty) can be reason of daily frustration.
Never least the problem of the rain, which compels the user to get wet because of the impossibility of holding a simple umbrella, or making him face risks when dealing with slippery grounds, little steps or little slopes. Genny™ “immediately” solves all these issues.

The medical innovation
Welcome to the age of APW
The world of medical devices for disability has always been divided into two segments:
- AW (Active Wheelchairs), or “classic” manual wheelchairs.
- PW (Power Wheelchairs), devices manipulated by levers.
Genny inaugurates a new segment:
- APW (Active Power Wheelchairs), high tech devices that “convert” users in control lever thanks to self-balancing technology.

Physical Benefits
Many patients report a generic improvement of their respiratory functions. This can be induced by the increased activity of the abdominal muscles and the general synergic strengthening of the torso associated with the use of GennyTM L2.0. The continuous postural adjustments produce an increased mobilization of the torso (particularly in the abdominal section) and therefore provide for a better gastrointestinal functionality normally associated with decreased fecal stagnation. Still to be fully documented is an already reported decrease in the number of spastic episodes.

Injury Prevention
The self-balancing technology allows for an activation of the muscular residual system without making use of the upper limbs which were not originally designed to provide for the propulsion of a manual wheelchair. The articulations of the wrist, elbow and shoulders which are easily exposed to deterioration by the overwork they are subject to, are now protected.

Facilitation of the rehabilitation
In case of surgery following injures caused by overloaded articulations, typical in patients using upper limbs for the propulsions of manual wheelchairs, GennyTM L2.0 represents a valid support in the rehabilitation process. The principle of preservation, in this case, allows for the mobility of the patient while resting the injured areas. This means autonomy and positive thinking for the patient.

The self-balancing system forces the patient to maintain a constant and very subtle control of the center of gravity. Therefore it requires a continuous activation of the postural muscles of the torso which must quickly respond to external and internal variations.
This offers some benefits: it provides for the ability to control and maintain a good posture of the torso in a seated position, encouraging the recovery of the physiological lumbar lordosis. It also provides the unaware patient with real exercise of postural biofeedback. The unaware acquisition of a postural strategy will probably be maintained also on other types of sessions and activities (probably also in sports). In patients with spinal injuries and compromised postural stability of the torso, this device is a valuable training in the process of recovering the lost functions.

Genny™’s technology ensures immediate spins on the same axis and to go ahead without operating any control lever, like throttle or brake, as if thinking was enough. The two parallel wheels and many electronic sensors, such as 5 gyroscopes, allow Genny™ to move only shifting part of the bust forward to advance, backward to slow down and brake. Simple handlebars permit the means to spin without a compulsory specific use of the hands, leaving them finally free. No device currently on the market, whether it be a hand device or a motorized device, succeed in facing broken grounds, such as sand, snow or gravel with noteworthy autonomy; thing that, on the contrary, Genny™ does with “naturalness”.

Psychological benefits

Genny™ inaugurates a new transportation philosophy for personal mobility. Thanks to its self-balancing technology, it unites the users under the banner of the freedom of movement, erasing the differences. People who make use of traditional wheelchairs are daily confronted with a number of issues. Moving while constantly looking down to avoid the small front wheels sinking into the frequent holes and always having both hands busy (often getting dirty) can lead to frustration. Not to mention the problem of the rain, which compels wheelchair users to get wet because of the impossibility of holding a simple umbrella. Also dealing with slippery grounds, little steps or unchallenging slopes can entail considerable risks. GennyTM L2.0 immediately solves all these issues.
Being able to hold one’s own boyfriend/girlfriend’s hand while strolling is a common action for those who walk but often impossible for those who use a wheelchair. Genny™ allows us, thanks to its incredible mobility features, to stroll looking at the landscape with no worries about the road surface and so, being able to eat an ice- cream or bringing one’s own “puppy” for a walk becomes a reality today.
Fantasy is, at present, the only limit to Genny™’s potentialities: nothing will be precluded to our mobility imagination anymore. Sport, free time, work will never be the same again.

Rediscover your life
Your freedom: our job
Genny™ utilizes an adapted to the case’s needs expressly modified Segway self- balancing base, ensuring immediate spins on the same axis and to go ahead without operating any control lever, like throttle or brake.
Maximum incline and slope

The two parallel wheels and many electronic sensors (such as 5 gyroscopes) allow Genny™ to move only shifting part of the bust forward to advance, backward to slow down and brake. Simple handlebars permit the means spinning without a compulsory specific use of the hands, leaving them totally free.
Great innovation, reduced dimensions
Designed even for inner space
The reclining seatback and the easily extractable handlebars, removable using only one hand, reduce Genny™ to a “cube” with a side of 29.9in. and make it extremely compact and fit for transportation.
- Height: 29.9″
- Width: 24.5″
- Depth: 27″

Nothing is left to chance Safety
Parking: two small feet permit to stabilize your Genny™ in a simple and safe way. The presence detector placed under the seat makes Genny™’s functioning possible only if the driver is on board, avoiding machine accidental activations and ensuring its turning off when getting out.
To ensure the safety in case of failure, Genny™ takes from the world of aeronautics the redundancy technique. This procedure provides for the doubling of the electronic or mechanical circuits in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in case of failure of one of them.
Self-balancing Segway® system
The two parallel wheels, numerous electronic sensors (including 5 gyroscopic sensors) allow Genny Self-Balancing Products to move only by leaning part of your body forward to advance and backward to slow down or brake. Leaning a simple handlebar ensures the easy rotation of the device.

- Width 28.8 in.
- Seat height 26.3 in.
- Total depth 29.9 in.
- Speed 6 / 12 Km/h*
- Autonomy 15-25 Km
- Charging time 6 hours
Surmountable obstacle:
- Height of 2 – 4 in.
- Gradeability 18%
- Motors power 3Kw
A unique backrest Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the science of the interaction between users and technologies. Genny™ adopts a solution that is unique in the world in the field of ergonomics: Tarta®, a seatback conceived by the namesake firm which dedicates its work to post urology with a mix of aesthetic and well-advanced materials. GM Design Team has redrawn and realized a custom-made Tarta® for Genny™. Modular, with few simple strong parts, Tarta® seatback answers to many needs, from those aesthetic, for trending seats, to those serious problems of disabled people. Everyone can benefit from this innovative solution.

No limits
Built to expand your horizons. The new Off Road Kit will allow you to easily explore all kinds of terrain: going from snow over sand, and gravel to mud. You will no longer know limits: imagine a place, take Genny and get there!
With the special XR Kit, convenience and comfort will be at your service. In about an hour you can convert your Genny Urban to Genny Off Road and back. Versatility at any time.
- Width: 830 mm
- Seat height: 690 mm
- Total depth: 760 mm